Our restorative dentistry services include dental implants. They are made of titanium, which is bio-compatible so if you have a metal allergy you may still be a candidate for implants.
The implant portion functions as the root of a tooth, and is usually screwed in. Your natural bone fuses to the implant, or attaches itself, to the implant.
The top portion of the implant can be a single tooth, or crown, a bridge replacing multiple teeth, or as a component help support a denture or partial denture.
Teeth can be damaged with the ability to be saved rather than pulled. You want to do everything possible to keep your permanent teeth. Crowns will not only make them look better but they also allow regular function of teeth that you may not have had before.
Dental bridges are used to replace missing teeth and cannot be removed like dentures. If the missing teeth have a tooth on either side, those teeth will be reshaped and prepared to hold the bridge. They will look very natural and last for years.
Gum disease, tooth decay and injury can cause sseveral or all teeth to be lost. In this case, partials or complete dentures may be your choice. They are not permanent, you remove them when needed, but they are comfortable and natural looking with the correct fit and materials. If you need bony ridges corrected or gums treated so they are healthy, these conditions are completed before you are fitted for dentures.
This procedure removes dead pulp tissue within the interior of the tooth. A flexible file in then inserted to replace the tissue, or nerve. The opening is then sealed and it's over, many people feel little or no discomfort and save their teeth. Contact us if you have questions or other restorative dentistry needs not listed here.